Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Peacock Theory

A peahen selects a peacock one who has biggest and flashy plumage. Although this plumage proves life threatening for peacock in case of danger. Because of heavy load of it's plumage, peacock finds it very difficult to run faster.
Exactly same case applies to humans. A young good looking man who has got farari from his father and having no real life skills, is exactly same as peacock. His owned assets do not add any real value to him. Females attracting towards him are like peahen.

Rule of parenting

The moment any living individual reproduces, it's biological growth slows down, it slows down consuming natural resources. It starts degrading. It's whole life becomes dedicated to nourishment of next generation.

So going by this natural rule of biology,
  • Complaining about kids sucking all your energy is totally rubbish.
  •  Enjoying and splurging on yourself is waste thinking, if it is not for nourishment of next generation.
  •  After having kids, everything should be planned and executed for kids only.